Linkedin is the place to go when you are looking for a job. There are 6.5 million jobs on Linkedin, with 94% of recruiters using Linkedin to vet candidates, but only 36% of job seekers are active on the platform. If you are searching for a job or are looking to improve your profile, check out this list of things you could add/change on your LinkedIn profile to make yourself stand out to recruiters and hiring managers.
Keep your profile up to date
Keeping your positions up to date on your LinkedIn profile make you 18 times more likely to be found in searches by managers and recruiters. Keep your contact information up to date as well.
Use a high-resolution profile picture with a simple background. Present yourself how you would in a face to face interview.
Make sure you have filled in all the fields on your LinkedIn profile. It helps to paint a full picture of yourself to those who come across it. You could also rearrange the fields, which allows you to choose which parts of your profile to show visitors first.
You can also add a bit of branding to your profile by adding a profile background image.
Add keywords to your headline. Do some research on the job you want and use the common terms used in that industry. It will increase your chances of being discovered when searched. You can also add these keywords to your CV.
Customise your url
You don’t want to have the default url that LinkedIn gives you when you first create an account. You can personalise it to your own name. It looks neater and more professional. And it makes it easier for you for people to find your specific page and its easier for them to remember! If the url you want is already taken you could use your initials or other recognisable iterations of your name.
Publish content on Linkedin
You should consider publishing content on your profile. This article from Buffer suggests how often you should be posting on LinkedIn. Also, writing something like a blog that is related to the field you want to work in, will help you show off your expertise and your experience. Here is an example. If you need some help getting started, LinkedIn has some tips on how to get started.
Ask for recommendations
Reach out to past and present colleagues, employers, customers for reviews. Unlike endorsements where they are about skills, recommendations allow you to be more specific, and it’s just like a review.
Expand your network

Find groups that are related to your industry and join them! Once you are part of these groups make sure you participate in at least one or two of them. This is going to help you interact and network with other people in your industry. And the more you interact the more that other people who are part of these groups will check out your profile.
You should also endorse your contacts, there’s a good chance they will endorse you too!
In conclusion, a carefully crafted LinkedIn profile can help you progress on your professional career goals. Take some time to review your profile and see if you are making the most of its potential!
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